Under OJK Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015 concerning Establishment and Working Guidelines for Audit Committees, the Audit Committee is established by and responsible to the Board of Commissioners in providing assistance for the duties and functions of the Board of Commissioners.

Composition of the Audit Committee

No changes were made to the membership of the Audit Committee during 2023. The Composition of the Audit Committee is therefore as follows:

Prof Dr Irawan Soerodjo, SH., M.Si


Aged 72 years. Indonesia Citizen. Obtained his bachelor’s degree from the University of Jember in 1978, Notary I Specialist from the University of Gajah Mada in 1981, Master of Science from the University of Indonesia in 1999 and Doctorate from Airlangga University in 1999.

He possesses with of experience and knowledge mainly in the legal field.

Dedy Hendrawan


Aged 46 years. Indonesian citizen. Most recent formal education Master’s Degree in Middle East and Islamic Studies, majoring in Sharia Economics at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, where he graduated in 2008.

Embarked on his career at several securities houses, in so doing acquiring considerable knowledge and insights in the world of finance and the capital market.

Besides pursuing a career on the capital market, Mr. Hendrawan is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the Islam As-Syafi’iyah University and Bina Nusantara University. On May 5, 2018, awarded a Certificate of Competence as an Expert in Sharia Law on the Capital Market.

Neny Mustika Suseno


Age 33 years. Indonesian citizen. Graduated in Accounting from Tarumanegara University in 2013. Ms Suseno embarked on her career at a securities house and has extensive knowledge and insights in the world of finance and the capital market.